What to do:
Hey, thanks for taking a look here, the idea here is to build up a story written by different people. The way that this will work is you write your name, and write what you would like to add to the story, and add it. Feel free to write anything you want to add to the story. You will see the name of the author, and below the author will be what they chose to write to add to the current story started by me, Rudy.
When writing your input into the 2 form fields, please do not use the < or ( character for either field, do not make your name longer than 70 characters, and what you write for the story must be between 50 and 250 characters.

The story
Character count: 0
Coding languages used:
3. PHP
4. SQL
Explanation of how each coding language was used:
1. HTML was used to format and layout all of the content you see on the webpage. It was also used to set what is affected by the programming scripts.
2. JAVASCRIPT has two main uses here on this webpage. The first main use is to load the information it receives from the story database. The second main use is it gets information from the form and passes it onto a PHP file.
3. PHP has two uses for the current webpage. The first use is to query the story database and fetch that information and write it in HTML code so that when it is loaded by a Javascript function, it is written in HTML code.
4. SQL was used to interact with the story database. The PHP files that interact with the database create queries to upload and fetch data.